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Selecting a Supplier

Determine which producers are licensed to sell fish for stocking private ponds in Mississippi.

As a pond owner, you face decisions in selecting a fish supplier. Here are some questions to ask before making an informed decision:

  • Is there a warranty on the fish? Keep in mind that fish may be delivered alive but may die several days later because of hauling stress, insufficient tempering to the pond water, or disease. Get it in writing!
  • Does the supplier produce the fish or buy them from a third party? Vendors who produce their own fish are more likely to know the health history of the fish.
  • What species and sizes of fish do they supply? Not all suppliers sell all species of fish, and the sizes, strains, or reproductive capacity might not be right for your pond.
  • References! Ask to contact some of their satisfied customers! Check out the company with the Better Business Bureau from its state.

Remember, commercial fish producers are in the business of selling fish. It is not in your best interest to get your stocking recommendations from them. See below for basic stocking recommendations for Mississippi, or work with a fisheries biologist to customize stocking for your pond or lake.



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Portrait of Dr. Wes Neal
Extension/Research Professor